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About Us

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The origins of the Tumbira community go back to the Seu Garrido shipyard, which was one of the main figures in our region. Seu Garrido, a man of vision, already knew that education was the only path to development. As there were no schools, he hired private tutors for his family, and most of his daughters became teachers. The community was only formed in 1986, when people living around it moved to live closer to the school, and so it became a community. Seu Garrido is considered largely responsible for spreading the art of working with wood in our region, employing and teaching many people. Seu Garrido also felt, seeing the beauties around him, that the future of the community would be tourism, and he set about building a large house, which has now been renovated and transformed into Pousada do Garrido. 

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